RAWW has 25 well trained volunteer rescuers distributed amongst Mulund, Chembur, Palghar and Thane teams who carry out rescue calls in and around Mumbai and Thane city. We have 2 Wildlife Ambulances with Emergency Rescue and Human - Wildlife Conflict Management equipments. We provide free volunteer services to various government departments like Forest, Police, Air force, Navy, Municipal corporation during wildlife distress situations. The rescue process of any specie is nowhere near easy and fun, and is carried out following all legal protocols. Do read ahead for better understanding.
RAWW Rescue Process
- The caller/informer contacts RAWW on helpline number (+91) 7666680202
- RAWW Helpline first collects the available information, contact details,address/ location of distress, type of species, nature of distress etc
- Immediately the helpline intimates and directs the rescue teams with these details. The rescuer who is available or the one who is close to the site affirms his position and reaches out to the distress call as follows
- The rescuer calls the caller and reconfirms the situation and any further updates which was not reported earlier
- The rescue team leaves to respond to the distress
- Based on the feed from the caller, the rescue team reaches the spot with appropriate equipment. On reaching the site, the situation is analyzed
- The rescue team takes necessary action depending on various factors which keep changing with the situations on the ground
- Every rescued species which is taken into custody is examined by the vet, the ones declared fit are released back to their suitable habitat, the ones which are abandoned or cannot be reunited are fostered, the injured ones are treated, all these activities initiated are in coordination with the forest department
- The details of every distress call responded by our team is intimated to the RAWW Rescue Teams database. The successful ones are recorded in the rescue book maintained by the team which is periodically shared with the forest department on phone call every and email every 24 hours and hard copies in 48 hours

Important procedure that is followed hereafter:
- A Rescue Form is filled with all the details of the caller, the process of rescue undertaken, (rescue of animal, scientific details, care by the fosterer, its fitness by the vet/Thane SPCA)
- This form is sent to the Forest Department for recording as well as legal documentation
- In the event of animal succumbing to its wounds during treatment, a death certificate is attached and submitted to the Forest Department
- Members of RAWW ensure to obtain three attested copies of the manually filled Records pertaining to each and every Rescue. Two copies are retained in RAWW after submitting one to the Forest Department, thus completing a successful and ethical rescue journey